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Separating the signal from the noise in sustainable travel.


Aviation is a cultural, economic and social good. It's also a growing contributor to global warming. I want to do something about that. Head of Sustainability at SimpliFlying. Contribute research papers and articles at Sustainability in the Air.
The route to a sustainable future is clear: fewer buzzwords & PR catchphrases; investing in tech & research that may be boring but actually work; and greater cooperation among governments, citizens & academics. Don’t get me started on carbon offsets!
Head of Design at SimpliFlying | I believe that design often determines how well a message is received or permeates people's consciousness. My passions apart from environmentalism are cinema, technology, music, comics 🌵
Chief Operating Officer at SimpliFlying. Now that sustainability has seized the world's attention, it’s time to replace marketing and PR cynicism with real action.
Always on the cutting edge, I believe trust in travel needs to be rebuilt by planning and investing for a world where more people can travel with far less impact on the planet.
NYT says short people are eco-friendly, yet I'd prefer flying from Spain to Latvia. Here to explore how tech can help us live, work, travel more sustainably. Project Director at SimpliFlying.